LitRPG/Scifi/Fantasy Author

K.T. Hanna

2024 Release Schedule:
Library System Reset 2 – Damaged:
Ebook September 10th
Audio October 15th

Library System Reset 3
Ebook November 19th – Tentative
Audio – TBD – Early 2025

Find her on Discord!

Somnia Online

Discover the class you were born to play.

Wren, a seasoned healer, is dismayed when Somnia Online automatically assigns her character, Murmur, to the Enchanter class. Determined to overcome the unexpected setback, she assembles her guild, intent on the coveted #1 spot. Twelve keys stand between her and victory, but finding them is only part of the puzzle.

Library System Reset

The Library once stood proud as a beacon of magic and power.

For 500 years, it has been broken.

Quinn can barely handle her own life. When the Library of Everywhere discovers her compatible magical signature, suddenly she is the sole existing potential Librarian. Now it’s not only the weight of her world on her shoulders—Quinn must connect with the Library system before the universe itself disintegrates.

The Domino Project

When Sai’s newly awoken psionic powers accidentally destroy her apartment complex, she’s thrown into an intensive training program.

Her only options are pass or die.


Event Appearances

April 25-27

Jordan Con
Crown Plaza Ravinia
Atlanta, Georgia


Panel list coming sooooooon

July 18-20 2025

LitRPG Con
Grand Hyatt, Denver, Colorado


Panel list coming sooooooon